Friday, 6 September 2013

Genre/Song Decision

Deciding what genre and song to use for the final music video is arguably one of the most important decisions in Research and Planning to get correct. This is because if the wrong decision is made, the main part of the coursework, the video, could have a detrimental effect on our final A2 marks. Therefore as a pair we thought carefully about our choice.

From the beginning we had a vague idea of the genre we wanted to do, which is indie/alternative. The two of us used this genre for our magazine last year, which helped us come to the conclusion that this would be the most suitable genre for us. We also have similar music tastes when it comes to this genre, which helped us choice an artist we liked and reduced conflicting views. During discussions we figured out we wanted to steer away from the heavier indie rock based music in the genre and move towards lighter rock with hints of electronic elements. This includes artists such as SBTRKT, Friendly Fires, Foals, Passion Pit and Metronomy. We soon came across a few that stood out to us as possibilities for potential songs to use. These were:

Miike Snow - Black and Blue

Friendly Fires - Hawaiian Air/Blue Cassette

Vampire Weekend - A Punk

Foals - Inhaler

Peace - Lovesick

After a few days of deliberation we came to the final decision of choosing FRIENDLY FIRES – BLUE CASSETTE. We decided to use this song because we believed it fitted well with our bands image, it’s in our chosen genre of indie/alternative and also is not too well known which could restrict us. We also believe the lyrics will be easy to illustrate at times if necessary and we could create relations between the lyrics and visuals. Furthermore the length of the song is an appropriate length for us to fit in everything we want to include. 

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